We're here to help!
If you are experiencing domestic violence and are concerned about your pets’ wellbeing, please call Heartly House. Their 24-hour crisis hotline is 301-662-8800. They provide services and a safe haven for people affected by domestic violence. To our knowledge, they will make an effort to accommodate pets of domestic violence victims.
If Heartly House cannot help in your particular situation, two other resources we can recommend are the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-7233), which can provide expert advice and can connect you with various local resources, and Rescue Well (410-456-1392, texting is preferred), a nonprofit organization whose volunteers are experienced in helping people handle a wide variety of issues involving their pets, including crisis situations.
If you are going through another type of personal crisis that affects your pets, such as housing/homelessness, utility shutoffs, mental health or substance abuse, family crises, financial or legal issues, employment issues, or disability, dial 211 on your cell phone to find information on programs and services that may be helpful for your situation, or email info@211md.org.
We also recommend that you contact Rescue Well’s crisis hotline: 410-456-1392 (texting is preferred). If you are facing housing/homelessness issues and you need help with veterinary costs and have not found assistance locally, a national organization, Feeding Pets of the Homeless, may be able to help.